Resume de l’article : A mi-chemin entre la planète et l’étoile: de nouvelles naines brunes repérées dans la Voie lactée

Sure! The article is about the discovery of two new brown dwarfs (nouvelles naines brunes) in the Milky Way galaxy. Brown dwarfs are objects that are intermediate in size between planets and stars, not quite massive enough to sustain nuclear fusion in their cores like stars, but larger and hotter than planets. The two newly discovered brown dwarfs are located at a distance of about 15 parsecs (approximately 49 light-years) from Earth. They were detected using a technique called « proper motion » which involves looking for objects that move relative to the stars in the background. One of the brown dwarfs is moving at a speed of about 30 kilometers per second, which is much faster than the average motion of stars in the solar neighborhood.