Resume de l’article : Astéroïdes près de la Terre, tache de Jupiter et tombes égyptiennes découvertes : l’actu des sciences

Sure, here are the main points and answers from the article:

1. Asteroids passing near Earth:
– Asteroid 2022 EB5 passed close to Earth on March 11, 2022.
– It was discovered just a day before its closest approach.
– Another asteroid, 2022 FS3, will pass close to Earth on March 14, 2022.
– Neither asteroid poses a threat to Earth.
1. Jupiter’s dark spot:
– Astronomers have discovered a dark spot on Jupiter using data from the Juno spacecraft.
– The spot is a mysterious feature that appears to be a hole in Jupiter’s clouds.
– Scientists are still studying the spot to determine its cause and nature.
1. Egyptian tombs discovery:
– Egyptian archaeologists have discovered two tombs in the ancient city of Luxor.
– One tomb dates back to the 18th dynasty (1550-1292 BC) and contains a mummy wrapped in linen.
– The other tomb belongs to a goldsmith named Amenemope and contains statues and other artifacts.


1. Two asteroids, 2022 EB5 and 2022 FS3, passed or will pass close to Earth, but they do not pose a threat.
2. A dark spot has been discovered on Jupiter, and it is a mysterious feature that appears to be a hole in Jupiter’s clouds.
3. Two tombs have been discovered in the ancient city of Luxor, one belonging to a mummy from the 18th dynasty and the other to a goldsmith named Amenemope.