Resume de l’article : Les traces d’un rituel aborigène vieux de 12.000 ans découvertes en Australie

Article title: « Traces of a 12,000-year-old Aboriginal ritual discovered in Australia »

Main points:

* Archaeologists have discovered evidence of a 12,000-year-old ritual site in the Kimberley region of Western Australia.
* The site includes a series of red ochre handprints, which are thought to have been made by individuals taking part in a coming-of-age ceremony.
* This is the oldest known evidence of Aboriginal ritual activity in Australia.


A site containing the oldest known evidence of Aboriginal ritual activity in Australia has been discovered in Western Australia. The site, which is thought to be around 12,000 years old, includes a series of red ochre handprints, which are believed to have been made by individuals taking part in a coming-of-age ceremony.