Resume de l’article : Des bâtons de sorcellerie vieux de 12.000 ans révèlent de mystérieux rituels aborigènes

Article title: « Des bâtons de sorcellerie vieux de 12 000 ans révèlent de mystérieux rituels aborigènes »

The article discusses the discovery of 12,000-year-old wooden artifacts in Australia, which are believed to have been used for spiritual or ritualistic purposes by Aboriginal people. These objects, known as « message sticks » or « wands, » are engraved with intricate patterns and symbols that suggest they were used in complex ceremonies. Some of the motifs found on these artifacts are also present in rock art from the same period, indicating a possible connection between the two forms of expression. The research on these ancient artifacts provides insight into the early religious practices of Aboriginal Australians and highlights the rich cultural heritage of the world’s oldest living civilization.