Resume de l’article : Sous le pas de tir d’Ariane 6, des vestiges archéologiques vieux de 4000 ans

The article discusses the discovery of archaeological remains dating back 4000 years at the base of the Ariane 6 launch pad in French Guiana. The site, which covers an area of over 4 hectares, was discovered during construction work and has revealed a number of artifacts, including pottery and stone tools. The remains are believed to belong to a pre-Columbian society that lived in the region before the arrival of Europeans. The discovery has prompted a reevaluation of the construction plans for the launch pad to ensure the preservation of the site.

In response to the article, the discovery of 4000-year-old archaeological remains at the base of the Ariane 6 launch pad in French Guiana has led to a reevaluation of the construction plans to ensure the preservation of the site.