Resume de l’article : En Turquie, après l’incendie, la bataille pour sauver les brebis

Sure, I’d be happy to summarize the article and provide a response.

The article discusses the aftermath of a large wildfire in Turkey and the efforts to save a flock of pregnant ewes that were trapped in a burned forest. The fire had destroyed much of the vegetation and the ewes were in danger of starving without intervention.

A group of volunteers, including wildlife experts, park rangers, and local farmers, came together to rescue the ewes and bring them to a safe location. They had to hike for several hours through the burned forest to reach the trapped animals, and then gently guide them down the mountain to a nearby village.

Once in the village, the ewes were given food and water and a veterinarian checked their health. Unfortunately, some of the ewes had already given birth and their lambs had not survived the harsh conditions of the burned forest.

The article highlights the importance of protecting natural habitats and the wildlife that live there, as well as the need for collaboration and community involvement in conservation efforts.


The article is about the successful rescue of a flock of pregnant ewes that were trapped in a burned forest in Turkey. The rescue effort involved a group of volunteers who worked together to bring the ewes to a safe location and provide them with food, water, and medical care. The incident highlights the importance of protecting natural habitats and the need for collaboration and community involvement in conservation efforts.