Resume de l’article : Pollution de l’air : les terrains de sport parisiens dans le rouge

Sure, here’s a summary of the article and the answer to the question:

The article discusses the impact of air pollution on sports fields in Paris, France. According to a study by the French National Research Institute for Sports Expertise and Performance (IRMES), the air quality on many of the city’s sports fields is poor and can have negative effects on athletes’ health and performance.

The study measured the levels of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) and particulate matter (PM) on 20 sports fields in Paris. The results showed that all of the fields exceeded the recommended levels for NO2 and PM set by the World Health Organization (WHO). In fact, several fields had NO2 levels that were twice as high as the WHO’s recommended limit.

The article notes that air pollution is a particular concern for athletes who engage in endurance sports, as they breathe more heavily and take in more pollutants. Exposure to pollutants can lead to respiratory problems, decreased lung function, and decreased athletic performance.

To address this issue, the city of Paris has taken steps to improve air quality, such as reducing traffic in certain areas and promoting the use of electric vehicles. However, the article suggests that more needs to be done to protect athletes from the harmful effects of air pollution.

In response to the question, the answer is that the air quality on sports fields in Paris is poor and can have negative effects on athletes’ health and performance. The study by IRMES found that all of the fields exceeded the recommended levels for nitrogen dioxide and particulate matter set by the World Health Organization. Exposure to these pollutants can lead to respiratory problems and decreased athletic performance.