Resume de l’article : Sur Titan, il y a des mers et des vagues mais c’est un « paysage très extra-terrestre »

Article: « Sur Titan, lune de Saturne, il y a des mers et des vagues, mais c’est un paysage très extra-terrestre »

According to radar data from the Cassini spacecraft, Titan, one of Saturn’s moons, has hydrocarbon seas and lakes. However, these bodies of liquid are surrounded by a landscape that is very different from what we see on Earth. For example, the waves on Titan’s seas are much larger and are shaped by the winds, but the liquid is not water, it is methane and ethane. Additionally, the coastlines of Titan’s seas are made up of sand dunes and mountains, rather than beaches and rocky shores. Despite these differences, the presence of liquid on Titan’s surface and the way it interacts with the atmosphere, such as the formation of waves, suggest that the moon has a complex and active climate.