Resume de l’article : Premier aperçu d’une exoplanète en train de se transformer en Jupiter chaud

Article title: « Discovery of an exoplanet that will become a ‘hot Jupiter’ within a billion years »

The article discusses the discovery of a new exoplanet, called K2-293 b, which is located 1,300 light-years away from Earth. The exoplanet is currently a « warm Neptune, » but it is gradually getting closer to its star and will become a « hot Jupiter » within a billion years. The researchers used data from NASA’s Kepler space telescope to make the discovery. The findings are important for understanding the evolution of planetary systems.


A new exoplanet, K2-293 b, located 1,300 light-years away from Earth, has been discovered. It is currently a « warm Neptune » but will become a « hot Jupiter » within a billion years as it gets closer to its star. The discovery was made using data from NASA’s Kepler space telescope.