Resume de l’article : 50 ans de la découverte de Lucy : comment l’australopithèque a bouleversé l’histoire de l’humanité

Article title: « 50 years of Lucy: how the most famous australopithecus in the world has revolutionized the history of humanity »

The article discusses the discovery of « Lucy, » a fossilized specimen of Australopithecus afarensis, which was made in Ethiopia 50 years ago. The discovery of Lucy was significant because it provided important insights into human evolution, particularly in regards to bipedalism. Lucy’s skeletal structure showed that she walked upright, which was a crucial milestone in human evolution. The article also notes that Lucy’s small brain size, along with her other features, has led scientists to reconsider the traditional view of human evolution as a linear progression from ape to human.

Answer: The discovery of Lucy, a fossilized specimen of Australopithecus afarensis, was significant because it provided evidence of bipedalism in human ancestors and challenged the traditional view of human evolution as a linear progression from ape to human.