Resume de l’article : Vague de chaleur : 39 départements en vigilance orange canicule

Article titled « Wave of heat: 39 departments in orange vigilance for canicule »

The main point of the article is that 39 departments in France are in « orange » vigilance for canicule, which is a heatwave. This means that temperatures are expected to reach high levels, and there is a risk for the population’s health. The article recommends that people stay hydrated, limit their exposure to the sun, and check on vulnerable individuals such as the elderly and children. Additionally, the article mentions that certain activities, such as sports and outdoor work, should be avoided during the hottest hours of the day.

In summary, the answer to your question is: 39 departments in France are in « orange » vigilance for canicule (heatwave) and people are recommended to stay hydrated, limit sun exposure, and check on vulnerable individuals. Certain activities should be avoided during the hottest hours of the day.