Resume de l’article : Jeux olympiques : un hôpital mobile positionné au cœur de Paris

Article: « Un hôpital mobile positionné au cœur de Paris »


The French Red Cross has set up a mobile hospital in Paris to provide medical care to athletes and spectators during the Olympic and Paralympic Games. The hospital, named Etablissement mobile d’urgence et de réanimation (EMUR), is located near the Hôtel de Ville and is equipped with 72 beds, including eight intensive care units. It will be staffed by 350 healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and paramedics.

The mobile hospital is part of the health security plan put in place for the Games, which includes several medical facilities throughout the city. EMUR is designed to handle various medical situations, such as traumas, heat strokes, or respiratory issues, and will be equipped with a medical imaging unit, a blood transfusion center, and a pharmacy.

The hospital will be operational from July 16 to September 12, during the Olympic and Paralympic Games, to provide immediate medical care to patients in need. After the Games, the hospital will be dismantled and moved to another location in France.