Resume de l’article : Découverte en Indonésie du plus vieux et du plus petit des « hobbits » sur l’île de Florès
The article reports the discovery of the oldest and smallest Homo floresiensis, or « hobbit, » found in Indonesia. This individual, named « LB1, » was previously unearthed in 2003. However, a reevaluation of the fossil has led to new insights. LB1 is now estimated to be around 60,000 years older than previously thought, and its brain volume is suggested to be even smaller than initially assumed. This discovery could help scientists understand the origins and evolution of the hobbits.
In summary, the oldest and smallest Homo floresiensis, named LB1, has been re-dated and re-evaluated, showing that it is 60,000 years older than previously believed and has an even smaller brain volume than initially suggested.