Resume de l’article : Stonehenge, l’astéroïde qui a tué les dinosaures et mpox : l’actu des sciences en ultrabrèves

Article summary and answer:

The article presents the latest science news in ultra-brief format. The first piece of news concerns Stonehenge, where archaeologists have discovered that some of the stones used to build the monument came from a quarry in Wales, located 250 kilometers away. This finding allows scientists to better understand how the monument was built.

The second news is about the asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs. Scientists have discovered that the asteroid hit the Earth at an angle of 60 degrees, causing a massive tsunami that reached the other side of the planet. This discovery provides new insights into the mechanisms behind mass extinctions.

The third news is about the monkeypox virus, which has recently been detected in several countries outside of Africa. The World Health Organization has declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern. Researchers are working to develop vaccines and treatments to control the spread of the virus.


1. Some of the stones used to build Stonehenge came from a quarry in Wales, located 250 kilometers away.
2. The asteroid that caused the extinction of the dinosaurs hit the Earth at an angle of 60 degrees, causing a massive tsunami.
3. The monkeypox virus has been detected in several countries outside of Africa, and the World Health Organization has declared the outbreak a public health emergency of international concern.