Resume de l’article : Pakistan: avec le changement climatique, les petites « mariées des moussons »

Article title: « Pakistan: with climate change, the ‘monsoon brides’ are in danger »

The article discusses the impact of climate change on the « monsoon brides » in Pakistan. These are spiders of the genus Cyclosa, which lay their eggs in a silky sac that they attach to a floating object. When monsoon rains come, the eggs drift away and hatch in a new location. However, climate change has caused unpredictable weather patterns, leading to droughts followed by intense rainfall. This disrupts the timing of the monsoons and puts the survival of the « monsoon brides » at risk.

Answer to the question: Yes, climate change has affected the « monsoon brides » of Pakistan by causing unpredictable weather patterns that disrupt the timing of the monsoon season, putting the survival of these spiders at risk.