Resume de l’article : Dix ans de greffes d’utérus : un premier bilan sur la santé des mères et des enfants

Question: What are the findings of the first global analysis of the health of mothers and children following uterus transplants?

Answer: According to the first global analysis of the health of mothers and children following uterus transplants, published in the journal The Lancet, the procedure appears to be safe and effective. The analysis includes data from 109 women who received uterus transplants in Sweden, the US, Germany, and the Czech Republic. The study found that 103 of the women were able to give birth, resulting in a total of 144 babies. The researchers also reported that there were no serious complications for the mothers and the babies, and the women were able to stop taking immune-suppressing drugs two years after the transplant. However, more research is needed to confirm the long-term safety and efficacy of uterus transplants.