Resume de l’article : Faut-il avoir peur du syndrome de Kessler, ce scénario catastrophe qui rendrait l’exploration spatiale impossible ?

Article Summary and Answer:

The article discusses the possibility of the Kessler syndrome, a scenario where the density of objects in low Earth orbit is so high that collisions between objects could cause a chain reaction, resulting in a debris field that could make space travel dangerous or even impossible.

The answer to the question « Faut-il avoir peur du syndrome de Kessler? » (Should we fear the Kessler syndrome?) is no, not currently. While it is a real concern, the likelihood of it happening is low, and there are measures being taken to prevent it. The article notes that space agencies and companies are working to track and remove debris from orbit, and that new technologies and plans for space travel are being developed with the Kessler syndrome in mind.